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Our Order Members
Meet our Order Members, practicing Buddhists, who endeavour to live everyday lives which reflect the ideals and practices of Buddhism.


(One who is mindful of the Sangha Community)


Sanghamati is the founder of the Port Fairy Buddhist Community.


He leads weekly meditation evenings, study groups and meditation courses.


He can sometimes be found, hammer in hand, building some DIY project.


(She who has a jewelled and luminous space)


Akashamani has been a Buddhist since 1991, doing most of her training in Emerald Victoria, she was ordained within Triratna in 2009.


She feels is inspired to follow her spiritual path through her love of art and nature, as well as bring up a family.  In 2017 she was finally able to visit Adhisthana, home of Sangharakshita and able to experience the depth and breadth of Triratna.



Jokingly nicknamed "Pavarotti of the Puja", Padmasiddhi has been living the Dharma for more than twenty years.


What continues to inspire him is helping other men and women to live happily by following the Buddha's teaching.


Professionally he works as a nurse and in his spare time he does a bit of oil painting.


(He who is a survivor)


Sanjiva assisted in the founding of the Port Fairy Buddhist Community. He maintains close links with the Community and visits as often as he can given his many responsibilities at the Melbourne Buddhist Centre.


He lives in Birregurra and is known for his presentation of the Buddha's teachings in a most interesting, understandable and memorable way.


(She who has unfathomable faith)


Amitasraddha is one of the faces seen at the Melbourne Buddhist  Centre leading meditations and Pujas on Saturday mornings; assisting and leading retreats for women; leading Breathworks courses; assisting with retreats at Port Fairy; and other assorted activities at the Melbourne Buddhist Cente.


She works fulltime as a hospital scientist in the Neurology Department of the Austen Hospital where she also leads meditation for the staff.

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